Lung Cancer Screening

Lung cancer kills more Americans annually than breast, prostate and colorectal cancers combined, in part because by the time symptoms develop, the cancer often is too advanced to cure. But lung cancer can be treated and cured if discovered early — before symptoms of the disease like cough, shortness of breath and chest pain develop.

If you're at risk for lung cancer you may be eligible for the only recommended screening test for early detection of lung cancer — low-dose computed tomography (LDCT). The LDCT test involves an X-ray machine that uses low doses of radiation to create detailed images of the lungs. To be screened, a referral from your primary care provider is required. LDCT screening is covered by Medicare and most private insurance plans.

Are You Eligible for Lung Cancer Screening?

Lung Cancer Screening Center LogoConcord Hospital Payson Center for Cancer Care's Lung Cancer Screening Program is recommended for you if you're a current or former smoker aged 55 to 77 with no symptoms of lung cancer and meet the following criteria:

  • A history of at least 30 pack-years of smoking. (A “pack year” is calculated by multiplying the number of packs of cigarettes smoked per day by the number of years of smoking);
  • Quit smoking within the past 15 years;
  • Fit enough to undergo surgery or radiation therapy.
Peg and Norm Vernon

Lung Cancer Screening Makes a Difference

Peg Vernon of Pembroke is a perfect example of early screening for lung cancer and the good it can do.

Peg's Story